


SHAZOO a.k.a kid rage 2014年に行われた1000人集客イベントROOFでの SHAZOOのKRUMPのソロ動画です。

    • 03:06
    • 100 円

    舞ちゃんのコスプレ撮影会 No.1 【スク水&黒タイツ】


    2014年11月のコスプレ撮影会は、 20代前半 清楚系素人美人モデルの舞ちゃんに スクール水着と黒タイツという組み合わせを着てもらいました。 最初にソファーの上で撮影をしました。 立ってもらったり、くるっと回って座ったり。 最初の映像は、その様子を正面から撮影したものです。 後半は、下からのカメラであおりのアングルで撮影したものです。 スクール水着や黒タイツのアップは、素材の質感が出ているかと思います。 また、撮影中の何気ない会話もお楽しみください。

      • 04:52
      • 100 円


      Treehouse Pictures

      This horror/thriller stars Zach Galligan of" Gremlins, Waxwork, & Hatchet 3 " fame. Charles Thomas takes his son Tim on a weekend hunting trip to the woods only to have that outing violently interrupted by the appearance of a forest Monster. What starts as a vacation turns into an intense battle of survival against malevolent forces. Robert Miano of Donnie Brasco fame co-stars. Nightbeasts is a multiple award winning, theatrically released movie written and directed by Wes Sullivan

        • 1:18:26
        • 593 円

        The First War for the West ("Making Of")

        Celebrate Greece

        Great TV companion to the hit movies "300" and its 2014 sequel "300 - RISE OF AN EMPIRE." "Let us go back 2,500 years to the wars between ancient Greece (West) and Persia (East). The Greco-Persian Wars 2,500 years ago were a clash between two people, two cultures, two systems of government and two continents. The first clash between East and West. A clash that has, sadly, continued all the way to today." -- Dr. Michael Scott, Host (as seen on NOVA, History Channel, PBS, BBC, etc) Episodes Available at CelebrateGreece.com: 1) The Beginning: Athens, Sparta and Persia 2) Treachery 3) The Battle of Marathon 4) Rise and Fall 5) The Great Invasion of Xerxes 6) Thermopylae (Leonidas and the 300 Spartans) & Salamis (Themistocles, Artemisia) 7) Decision in Greece 8) Aftermath and Legacy The perfect television documentary to complement the March 2014 movie "300 - Rise of an Empire," the sequel to the 2006 blockbuster movie "300" (8 Episodes) Overall Synopsis: The first democracy in the world spawned the Greco-Persian Wars 2,500 years ago in Ancient Greece that shaped most of the world today (i.e., 9/11), particularly our politics, but it also gave us some of the most iconic moments and curious mysteries in history...a time when history really did become legend: Leonidas and his 300 Spartans, The Battles of Thermopylae, Marathon, Salamis and Plataea, The Roots of Democracy and, now, the story of Athenian Generals Miltiades (Father) and Kimon (Son).

          • 20:42
          • 325 円

          Love collection

          Antoine Lhonoré Piquet

          He is an actor, he is single, he is 30 years old, and he is a seductive man. Not dating for several months, he’s letting himself go to idleness and easy sex. Sheltered in his bachelor flat in Paris, he is into his dependencies and shares his life with his 3 mistresses. Up to now, our guy feels happy, healthy and well-balanced….until one of his mistresses starts putting some distance between them. Weakened by the break-up, he gets lost in his introspection. He has the feeling that he does not control his life anymore. This same feeling also reveals one by one all the different masks he has been wearing throughout his life, to finally show the portrait of a lonely, selfish and unhappy man…who is slowly going to self-destruction every time he is with a new girl and discovers with terror his real face…

            • 29:05
            • 410 円

            航空自衛隊 浜松広報館(エアーパーク)の紹介


            航空自衛隊 浜松広報館(エアーパーク) 航空自衛隊を日本国民により多く理解させることを目的として、1999年4月にオープン。見て・触れて・楽しむ事の出来る航空自衛隊初の博物館形式の施設。 432-8851 静岡県浜松市西区西山町無番地 航空自衛隊浜松基地 浜松広報館(エアーパーク)

              • 10:11
              • 100 円



              東京湾に浮かぶ無人島で戦時中の首都防衛拠点「猿島」の案内ビデオです。 三笠桟橋(三笠公園内)より船で10分。船は、3月〜11月は毎日運航、12月〜2月は土日祝日のみ運航。 三笠桟橋まで、京急本線横須賀中央駅より徒歩15分、JR横須賀線横須賀駅より徒歩30分。

                • 05:01
                • 100 円



                黄帝心仙人プロデュース【「世界の頂点を極めたダンスを自宅で学ぶ通信講座」】のレッスンデモ動画です。 通信講座の詳しい内容は下記リンク先から http://timemachine-inc.com/premium/

                  • 01:26
                  • 100 円